Fairclough, I., Casey, L., Doepker, B., & Maurer, M. (2004). TechKNOW Volume 10, Issue 1 (1–). https://oaks.kent.edu/node/5000
Fairclough, Ian, Laura Casey, Bonnie Doepker, and Margaret Maurer. 2004. “TechKNOW Volume 10, Issue 1”. https://oaks.kent.edu/node/5000.
Fairclough, Ian, et al. TechKNOW Volume 10, Issue 1. 1 Mar. 2004, https://oaks.kent.edu/node/5000.
Before you Attend the Workshop: FRBR and the Future / by Margaret Beecher Maurer, Cataloging Manager, Kent State University Libraries and Media Services
Cataloging Errors, Efficiency, and Professional Judgment - With tips for reporting errors to LC and OCLC / by Ian Fairclough, Catalog Librarian, Marion Public Library
NOTSL is Approved as a CE Provider for Professional Certification in Ohio / by Laura Casey, NOTSL Chairperson, Assistant Director, McKinley Memorial Library
Book Review: Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists
Book Review: The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management