Kahn, M., Doepker, B., Myers, J., Gilliam, J., Bull, J., & Maurer, M. (2003). TechKNOW Volume 9, Issue 4 (1–). https://oaks.kent.edu/node/5006
Kahn, Miriam, Bonnie Doepker, Jane Myers, Joanne Gilliam, Jennifer Bull, and Margaret Maurer. 2003. “TechKNOW Volume 9, Issue 4”. https://oaks.kent.edu/node/5006.
Kahn, Miriam, et al. TechKNOW Volume 9, Issue 4. 1 Nov. 2003, https://oaks.kent.edu/node/5006.
Helping Library Collections Last Longer / by Miriam Kahn, MLS
Acquiring AV Materials for Libraries: Would You Like a MARC Record with That? / by Bonnie Doepker, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Dayton Metro Library
Book Review: Understanding MARC Authority Records
Now Where did I Put That...? / by Jane Myers, Cataloger, Westlake Porter Public Library
Book Review: Cataloging Sheet Maps: The Basics